Friday, November 9, 2018

From Miss to Mrs - Giving You The Dish on All Our Wedding Details

Dress (similar style here & here) | Shoes | Clutch | Necklace (similar style here) | Earrings | Sunglasses 

I am so excited to finally share with you that Adam and I are getting MARRIED this month!!! That's right, I'll be a Mrs. in only a few weeks.

With all the planning and traveling that's been going on, it has been challenging to not scream it from the roof top and spill the beans. It's also been a bit overwhelming and chaotic, as well! 

We've kept it 'hush-hush' the past few months because we've really wanted to live in the moment and appreciate this time. Also, there were a lot of little details that I wanted to make sure were ironed out before I announced everything. I suppose that's the superstitious person in me - I always want everything perfect, and dotted with an "i" and crossed with a "t."

Also, as I've mentioned in the past, Adam is someone who really values his privacy, and I totally respect that. In all honesty, I'm really private as well, which I'm sure is hard to believe since I live my life on the internet. I think here's a lot to be said for maintaining a sense of privacy in a world where everyone feels like they need to blast everything all over the internet to make sure it matters. Yep, that's just not me/us. 

But, if you do follow me on Instagram, you may have had your suspicions that this news was coming (I actually was surprised how many of you messaged me asking me if I was wedding planning).  It was probably the frequent trips back and forth to San Francisco, or alluding that "big news" coming soon that gave it away! Like I said, it's been hard to keep it all in, especially considering how insanely excited I am. I really think there is going to be no day more special than this one. 

As I just mentioned, I have been going back and forth to San Francisco a lot, because that is where we are going to get married! SF is where Adam and I met, so it only seemed fitting to return to the city that we love so much, and that brought us together. There are obviously a lot more details about that date, location, flowers, and the dress that I want to share with you, so stay tuned! If there are any specific questions you have, or things you want to know about our big, be sure to send me an email or message me!

Have a great weekend:)

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